Sunday, September 18, 2011

Slowly does it.....

Well after several months of not being active on my blog at all and life just generally taking over I now have more 'me' time and will make an active effort to post regularly...not every day...but at least once or twice a week depending on whats going on around me.

Still crazy about Thermie but have been more just coasting along cooking what others have converted and posted rather than attacking the mile high tower of cookbooks and converting some yummy favs...

This week I did some mushroom meatballs (a hubby fav) in thermie converted from a recipe mum gave me when I left home years ago and still have the little notebook with teddy bears on it full of home style recipes which was my base for my cooking adventures..  anyway there are a few ways to cook them in the thermie and Im still playing as to the best way...will post soon..

Due to health problems I am not totally dairy free but have to cut down mainly 'cow' or bovine dairy products...I can still however use goats and sheeps milk products but mix them up with soy, rice and nut testing different recipes out with them too...I find its not too much the taste that differs but textures especially in cakes and batters etc.  Thankfully I have a great guide with Quirky Cookings blog who is the queen of anything 'x' free!

Will also be trying out making yoghurt with sheeps milk..see how that goes...dont like goats milk much as even milder brands have that aftertaste I really dont like..

My other test Im trying out next week is to make dry malt and or malt extract with sprouting barley grains...hoping the cooler weather is not going to cause problems with sprouting the grains..

We are now in Autumn here in France and the weather wasnt that great this summer and alot of the 'oldies' keep saying its going to be a hard winter which I am not looking forward to although lots of yummy stuff to bake... however they also said it would be a heat wave summer and I have to tell you it was far from any heat wave!! 

Plan on getting out there more and do more foodie stuff now that I have a few kid free days... life is no longer on hold 24/7...and have to admit I am loving a breath of fresh air (wouldn't be without them though)!

Said I would be back the beginning of September and well not quite the beginning but at least september...  to be continued.....

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